This thing in my head

On living with a brain aneurysm.

There's this thing in my head, my doc says it's small
But I know it's there so it doesn't feel small at all.
It's lying in wait, it could kill me you know -
Or I could grow old and it'll all be for show.
There's this thing in my head but no-one can say
If it's going to burst or be happy to stay.
Two CT scans now, an angiogram soon
I'm marching to the neuro guy's tune.
There's this thing in my head, I just want it out.
Do you think they'll move faster if I stand up and shout?
They gave me a brochure, it didn't say much
I've got heaps of questions about mortality and such.
There's this thing in my head but I've made up my mind
It's there, I can't change it, whatever they find.
My life is for living, I've so much to do
So this thing in my head - I'm ignoring you!


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