
Showing posts from February, 2013

Songs unsung

6-degrees of separation and friends who never were. (Published in my previous website It's Okay To Be Angry, IOTBA). That website was only closed down at the end of 2019. Maybe it will re-appear in the blog... Many years ago, in my youth, I thought I had some friends but time would show that friendship dies but distrust and spite know no ends. Turned out a workmate - let's call him B - got married to one of those girls. Years later we met at a Christmas event - from there the saga unfurls. Perhaps she was insecure but she didn't want me there. She wasn't happy to acknowledge me - she made that very clear. Again, more time passed, another scene, a dinner with new friends - not to be... Yes, I know those names, say hello from me! I've heard nothing since, maybe I should give up trying to make friends with people who really don't care what I went through. Is it right that I am judged by these suburban housewives who have probably never put a foot wron


For Lori - "Peace, Love and Purple". I am growing roses in my mind - I think they will be purple Purple, the colour of women Women who must be strong in a wild world and smile at the odds Odds so often against us Roses in my mind grown from the ashes of my pain Pain once thought too heavy to bear Bear it now with serenity and grace and a smile Smile because I am strong Love is a dream so hard to capture in the bright light of day Day brings an awareness Awareness that strength and serenity come from deep within Within the breast of woman I am growing roses in my mind - yes, they will be purple Purple, the colour of hope Hope for a new me who will not compromise my spirit Spirit soaring on a smile

Time heals

On starting to move forward again. When love leaves your life it's hard to smile You might manage sometimes, but not all the while Try to remember the good and get past the bad Concentrate most on the happy times you had But the hurt hangs around, set off by a word A song or a sound or some gossip you've heard And the tears are never far from your eye So hard to stop, no matter how much you try Time heals, we are told by well-meaning folk But you feel like a bike wheel that's missing a spoke You're flat in one spot - it's that spot you find Most often returns to the front of your mind So you find things to smile at to try to suppress The hurt and the anger, the pain and the stress One day you will know when the smile comes unaided And you realise that the heartache has faded That once, long ago, it was too hard to smile But time does help you heal, it'll all be worthwhile