Songs unsung

6-degrees of separation and friends who never were.(Published in my previous website It's Okay To Be Angry, IOTBA). That website was only closed down at the end of 2019. Maybe it will re-appear in the blog...

Many years ago, in my youth, I thought I had some friends
but time would show that friendship dies but distrust and spite know no ends.
Turned out a workmate - let's call him B - got married to one of those girls.
Years later we met at a Christmas event - from there the saga unfurls.
Perhaps she was insecure but she didn't want me there.
She wasn't happy to acknowledge me - she made that very clear.
Again, more time passed, another scene, a dinner with new friends - not to be...
Yes, I know those names, say hello from me!
I've heard nothing since, maybe I should give up trying to
make friends with people who really don't care what I went through.
Is it right that I am judged by these suburban housewives
who have probably never put a foot wrong in their lives?
The distaste is palpable, I can feel it in the air -
I have no way to counter it - do they really think it's fair
to hold against me the mistakes I made when I was young?
I don't know their secrets - perhaps they have songs unsung.
Did I give up my rights so long ago? Was I the harbinger of my own doom?
What did I do wrong, really, apart from being the wrong gender in my mother's womb?
How come a man who sleeps around is called a stud but
a woman who does the same is labeled a slut?
I made mistakes when I was young - who doesn't when all's said and done?
Yet I am judged and found wanting - so many years ago but now my friends are none.
I've paid the price don't you think? Will you always be so cold?
I don't know your secrets - perhaps you have tales untold.


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